JOYANNE’S FIrst look through colour.


3 steps

  • Step 1 Identification

    Take a Self-Test on

    Book an initial screening for forty five minutes with a Registered Irlen Screener in NZ. Ask at your school or search on the website.

    They make a recommendation whether colour makes a difference to your page distortion or your discomfort when reading.

  • Step 2 Optometrist

    An eye examination is essential . There you have the health of your eyes checked and, if needed, a prescription for visual acuity .

    Choose your frames.

    Let the optometrist know the frames and lenses will need to be sent to the lab in Christchurch to dye the lenses.

  • Step 3 Intervention

    For some the use of a coloured Iren Overlay is enough to relieve the discomfort and distortion of print. For others they benefit wearing lenses for writing, and relieving the visual stress.

    Book in for an hour with your local Irlen Diagnostician who will diagnose the colours for tinted lenses. There are 300,000 potential combination of colours, so we get the right combination to be of most benefit.. This colour prescription is sent to the lab and meets your glasses for the perfect result. The glasses return to your optometrist for pick up.

results include:

better concentration

reading fluency

comprehension improvement

more confidence


rose’S tinted glasses

Watch here to see Rose share her Irlen experience .


We are trying to break down the barriers to learning. We are raising awareness . Irlen overlays and tinted lenses help people who have believed they are ‘dumb’, or have dyslexia to enjoy reading and improve comprehension. Many find relief from migraines and sun sensitivity. We try and make it easier for people, we can be mobile, we have worked with schoolwide screening.

  • If you know of any avenues for funding support for our whanau please get in touch.

  • If you have a large staff and wish to support their wellbeing please get in touch, we welcome opportunities to present and share.

  • If you have a personal testimonial having been a wearer of Irlen glasses, like myself, please get in touch.


what does visual discomfort look like?

  • headaches

  • light sensitivity

  • watery eyes

  • excessive blinking

  • fatigue

  • poor attention

  • poor focus

Who benefits from irlen glasses?

Research shows 12% of the population. That is about 3 in a class! Any colour eyes, any gender. If there has been a reading difficulty identified there is a 48% chance of colour making a difference.

why is called irlen?

A New Zealander, the late Olive Meares was the first person to bring the Visual perception problems to an international journal . This is where Helen Irlen the founder started her quest to find an instant way to remedy them. She was the first to dye lenses with colours to reduce visual stress and page distortion. In England it is still recognised as Meares-Irlen technique , in Olive’s honour.

what is distortion of print?

  • blurring of print

  • movement of print

  • missing lines &/or words

  • losing their place

  • difficulty copying

  • doubling of text

  • pattern glare

why do we need to go to the optometrist?

Optometrists check the health of the eye and your eyesight to ensure healthy 20/20 vision. That is your visual acuity e.g. short or long distance vision.

You may need just prescription glasses, or just colour or both.

Sometimes the symptoms of a stigmatism are similar to the flickering experiences by Irlen clients. We need to rule out the health issues first.

what is the most common colour?

Blue. Aqua or Turquoise were found to help a large proportion of the Australasian clients so they were developed for the market.